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Shop for Quality Affordable New Tires with Vonderlehr Tire Pros’ Tire Search

Use our convenient tire search tool below to shop for quality tires that meet your driving demands at the right price for your budget. Our professional and knowledgeable team can help with their knowledge and expertise. Please call us at 804-321-7861 or please browse online by tire size, vehicle type, and tire brand, making your search as easy as possible.

Vonderlehr Tire Pros is proud to be an authorized dealer of the brands you trust like Michelin, BFGoodrich, Uniroyal, Continental, General, and more. With our one-price policy, our pricing includes professional tire installation - mounting, balancing, new valve stems, and tire disposal are included. We also offer Wheel Alignments, and brake services. We make shopping for tires convenient from the initial purchase to installation.

Submit a review for PIRELLI CINTURATO P7 (P7C2)(*)

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Hydroplaning Resistance
Wet Traction
Cornering Stability
Dry Traction
Steering Response
Snow Traction

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In 30 characters or more, describe why you rated the tire the way you did. Helpful topics include
tread life, performance in different weather conditions, handling, and noise level.

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Phone: (804) 321-7861
Address: 2526 Chamberlayne Ave
Richmond, VA 23222
Powered by Net Driven

Make A Tire or Auto Repair Appointment Today

For over 100 years,Vonderlehr Tire Pros has been proudly serving the Richmond, VA area and would like to be your first choice for new tires, vehicle alignments and brakes. Our experienced team can help you select the best tires at the right price for your vehicle and we are committed to helping you maintain your tires for maximum wear and performance. Let us earn your business, please call us today at 804-321-7861.