Use our convenient tire search tool below to shop for quality tires that meet your driving demands at the right price for your budget. Our professional and knowledgeable team can help with their knowledge and expertise. Please call us at 804-321-7861 or please browse online by tire size, vehicle type, and tire brand, making your search as easy as possible.
Vonderlehr Tire Pros is proud to be an authorized dealer of the brands you trust like Michelin, BFGoodrich, Uniroyal, Continental, General, and more. With our one-price policy, our pricing includes professional tire installation - mounting, balancing, new valve stems, and tire disposal are included. We also offer Wheel Alignments, and brake services. We make shopping for tires convenient from the initial purchase to installation.
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Brought a complete set (4) in April 2018. As of today (2.5 years & approx 18k later), tire tread has practically worn out and I’m told I need to replace them in 3 months (at the next rotation). And I found out today there is no mileage warranty on them! These tires are supposed to run for 40k. Pirelli is making a completely sub-standard tire and ripping the public off. Will never buy their brand again.
First set lasted almost 35K, no problems at all even when driving in snow when traveling up north. Vehicle is hard on tires due to its weight and height but this tire gave better performance and ride than the run flat Michelins.
Good tire, we have a lot of problems with screws and the tire supports the repairs.
I got about 60,000 KMs on my first set which came with the vehicle. No complaints.
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