Use our convenient tire search tool below to shop for quality tires that meet your driving demands at the right price for your budget. Our professional and knowledgeable team can help with their knowledge and expertise. Please call us at 804-321-7861 or please browse online by tire size, vehicle type, and tire brand, making your search as easy as possible.
Vonderlehr Tire Pros is proud to be an authorized dealer of the brands you trust like Michelin, BFGoodrich, Uniroyal, Continental, General, and more. With our one-price policy, our pricing includes professional tire installation - mounting, balancing, new valve stems, and tire disposal are included. We also offer Wheel Alignments, and brake services. We make shopping for tires convenient from the initial purchase to installation.
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Tires That Go Miles Beyond
At Vonderlehr Tire Pros, we are a proud provider of Pirelli tires for customers in Richmond, VA, Mechanicsville, VA, Tuckahoe, VA, and surrounding areas. Customers are bound to find the right tire to fit their budget in our selection of competitively priced Pirelli tires.
Giovanni Battista Pirelli founded Pirelli & Co. in Milan in 1872, and rubber production began within two years. Pirelli began producing bicycle tires in 1890, and the first automobile tire followed in less than a decade. Pirelli automobile tires started winning at the racetrack as soon as they came off the production line. Pirelli expanded its manufacturing plants into other countries over the next two decades including Spain, Great Britain, and Argentina. Pirelli has only continued to expand by opening several other manufacturing plants in other countries.
Pirelli Tire is now the world’s fifth largest tire manufacturer based on revenue. The company has a presence in more than 160 countries, including 22 manufacturing plants on five different continents, and employs nearly 40,000 people.
Shop our online tire catalog to browse our selection of Pirelli tires.
Pirelli is a leading manufacturer of performance and high end tires. The company strives to reach some of the highest levels of research and development in the tire industry. Pirelli aims to change the driving experience by pushing the boundaries of tire technology, style, and sustainability, and set trends in the tire industry around the world.
Pirelli produces superior tires for customers looking for superior quality, because Pirelli believes power is nothing without control.
As one of the leading Pirelli tire dealers in the area, we pride ourselves on our ability to send customers home happy. Contact us today to learn more about our selection of Pirelli tires.
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